Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Life as a JSL :)

November(after exam)

12th(Friday) -- On the afternoon/evening, all the Jsl will gather at jb. Some will go to Persada to check out the venue, size of the stage and the backstage,tc. Then some will go and buy the materials for doing the lollipop and some food/snacks/games for the special children and the rest will help eniza with her final choreography.The Jsl outside Jb can also choose to come down jb on saturday morning if it is more convenient for you all.

13th(saturday) -- On the morning, we will do community service at Persatuan Sindrom Down Johor(Bukit Indah) from 8 till 12. We will be playing, reading some storybooks, or maybe teach them a simple dance as these special children love to dance. Then in the afternoon we will learn from eniza the dance steps for gemuruh jiwa.

14th(sunday) -- Starting from 8am until 4/5pm, we have our official meeting at jpnj. Fadhil is in charge of organizing this meeting. This will be mainly for all of the jsl(esp those who live outside jb) to hand in all the cheques to puan . Hafiz and his accounting team will be doing the auditing and the invitation as well as the registration committee will be also doing their job. The rest of us will organize the pictures and do the montaj/ print the booklets / make the lollipops/ order the buntings.

School Holidays

20th nov to 21st nov -- Jsl will have their own practise for the performaces at ssi's school hall. The jsl outside jb will be staying in the jsl's houses in jb.

22nd-23rd nov -- We are going to practise with the special children for the 'We Are The World' performance.

24th-- A full rehearsal will be conducted with the presence of slb, choir, special children and of course the jsl at convent.

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