Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Year 2010 :)

Achievements of the year !

January 2010 : Got into Gamma . Streaming pure science :)
February 2010 : Got into SAMURA . 4th/7th best school in malaysia
Won bowling daerah CHAMP ! Individual and grouppie .
March 2010 : Got into school's hockey team . Played for HKSBP !
HKSBP Debate !
April 2010 : Got into a leadership camp by JPNJ !
May 2010 : Became the school pianist ! and somemore i forgot . teehee .
June 2010 : got the rumour bout me being the next PKP . Phew .
July 2010 : got into JPNJ's Second leadership camp , wohoo ! Officially am a Johore Student Leader :) Performed nationally at PICC ! Interviewed by tv3 , newspaper , and had pressconference !
August 2010 : celebrated my 16th birthday in the airplane to Germany ! all sponsored by the government / IRDA .
September 2010 : err , forgot . ngeh :) will update when i remember .
October 2010 : sat for my final year . nothing much achieved except A for English !
November 2010 : organizing a charity dinner ! awesome VIPs will be coming :)
December 2010 : ? Tonnes of tuitions in order to be a ranker in 2011 ! kiss those fails , c's and b's addios peeps :)

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